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Archispace « Manufacturers « Brabork sp. z o.o. « Product catalog

Product catalog


Nowadays, minimizing energy consumption and its environmental acquisition, thereby taking care of our environment is gaining many supporters.
Space heating both residential and others is significant on a national scale segment of the energy demand. With the development of modern, warm building technology and care for the thermal insulation of old and new buildings increasingly smaller share of the overall balance of the cost is the cost of ownership. Therefore, wherever built buildings with good thermal insulation (low coefficient "k"), the aspect of environmental protection and economic calculations indicate that the use of electric heating.

It is obvious that the power actually equipped with exhaust gas treatment are less burdensome to the environment than hundreds of local boiler room without dust filters or hundreds of thousands of domestic boiler house chimneys which emit often 50% of the end of unburned carbon and other particles.

Steadily increasing use of so-called. renewable energy sources, which, like wind energy is converted into electrical energy. Constantly improving the state of the transmission networks, and many Power Plants used cheaper fares for Customers consuming more energy (tariff weekend and threshold). New Energy Law defines the penalties for energy providers for failure to meet quality parameters, so power outages occur occasionally and are of short duration.
Comparing the investment costs can be concluded that opting for electric heating will save approx. 2/3 of the costs incurred for the purchase of boiler, radiators and piping costs pump, expansion tank, distributors, vents, etc.. The installation of electric heating can be spread out in installments and easily it expanded. In addition, using electric heaters do not we risk getting the flooding, because the burst pipe or radiator, or freeze the entire system when we left for a few days, and excludes gas or electricity. Maintenance is reduced to the regular maintenance of equipment clean.
Among the many types of electric heaters greatest recognition (due to the low price) gaining convection heaters, very prevalent in Western Europe and Scandinavia, used as the primary heat source. Convection heater is a device whose cover sheet coated with powder coating, plays the role of the chimney located at the bottom of an electric heating element. The heated air in the enclosure is achieved by gravity and increase in speed spread through a suitably shaped box in the upper part of the radiator causes a vacuum which "sucks" the cool air from below. The heating element is enclosed radiator, which developed surface provides effective heat transfer environment (hence sometimes these heaters is referred to as low-temperature).
By its very essence electricity has the advantage that its conversion into thermal energy takes place with almost 100 percent efficiency. There is no such losses that accompany the distribution of heat by means of pipelines. The heat is produced where it is needed.

Electric heaters AIRELEC Company (France) are formed so. Class II insulation, so they do not require grounding or zero. Splash-proof allows their use in areas exposed to moisture, eg. In the bathroom. Radiator valves include the so-called. Foreign heat sources like sunlight, heat equipment, the human body, etc., so the heater will download only the necessary amount of energy. This is due to the inertia of the minimum heating system. No need computer, expensive regulatory events which are necessary for the efficient control of boiler rooms and water heating. Precise determination of room temperature and programming daily and weekly work of these heaters allows for large savings supplies. Wherever you can lower the temperature at night or on the day of about 4 ° C, saving up to 25%. A simple and inexpensive programmer, who will be for us to remember to lower the temperature at night and during the absence of tenants.

The simplicity of installation and ease of assembly and disassembly - by using a special attachment is an additional advantage of our radiators. Each device is mounted at least one automatic thermal fuse, which in the event of any accidental overheating disconnect the power supply, preventing excessive temperature rise in the device. All heaters French company AIRELEC have a current safety certificate, certificates, Polish-language instructions for assembly and use, are energy efficient, safe and reliable.

A method of heating


Depending on the type and size of the rooms, taking into account the individual a sense of comfort, you can choose one of two proposed by AIRELEC heating methods:

Convectors: heating element for more efficient enclosed aluminum radiator heats the air, which lifted up causes a natural movement, "string" of air in the housing heater and the effect of "suction" non-heated air pit.
This circulation of hot air, called convection, causes a rapid heating of the entire volume of the room.
If the room was completely cold, it is the accessories (eg. Furniture) to reach room temperature taking heat from the air.

Radiators (plate): heating element, the panel radiatorowy AIRALU (model Radiance), or steel plate warmed to a temperature ok.180 ° C for hermetically sealed heater or printed circuit emits equally comfortable heat that warms fittings, walls, floor as similar to solar heat. The air is heated in the case of items of equipment. Thermal comfort is achieved faster and at a lower temperature air compared to systems where the air dissipates heat. With these features radiant heat is particularly recommended for people suffering from allergies (minimally causes air circulation) and respiratory diseases (thermal comfort with no overheated air). Also, when we have adapted to heat or high loft rooms in the so-called. "Old building" - selecting radiant heat, we will not pay for heating nieużytkowych, large space under the ceiling where heat escapes through the ventilation.

Temperature regulation

Temperature regulation

Heaters companies AIRELEC are equipped with two types of thermostats, depending on the model:

- Models Enduroc Basic ML and ML can be maintained constant room temperature to within 1 ° C. They are precision thermostats liquid, comprising a temperature sensor (thin-walled copper tube filled with a fluid with a high expansion) and the relevant membrane switch.

- Basic models E, E Feria and Radiance ET operate with an accuracy of 0.1 ° C. The temperature sensor is a semiconductor control module contactless electronic switch. This allows you to get a steady stream of heat, depending on changes in external conditions do not allow for the formation of heat waves. An additional advantage of electronic thermostats is to eliminate sparking, switching is completely inaudible. They derived the control cable for remote temperature reduction of approx. 4 ° C. An indicator of the heater, a lamp.

- Models Tactic ET and Actua ETP work with an accuracy of 0.1 ° C. They have all the advantages of electronic thermostats, plus a specialized ASIC ensures precision, reliable operation and use of the so-called. the effect anticipation. New quality regulation system ASIC avoids undesirable phenomenon, a periodic gain of room temperature after switching from the ECO COMFORT or increasing the thermostat setting.
Control cables allow remote control 4 modes of operation of the heating system. Eco Mode - temperature reduction of approx. 4 ° C compared to the COMFORT mode, the mode DUTY - approx. 7 ° C and OFF. An indicator of the heater, a lamp.

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