Producers: 76 Designers: 66 723 Number of CAD drawings: 166 009
Archispace « Manufacturers « Cetco « Details catalog « Bentonite waterproofing mat Voltex « Bale housing interior shelves girder

Bale housing interior shelves girder


Bale housing interior shelves girder

Bale housing interior shelves girder

Bale housing interior shelves girder

Stretch marks between bales of housing can not be larger than 2.5 cm. Where, however, wider, they should be filled with mortar. Jećli by the housing enters the ground water, before laying Voltexu formwork should be covered with polyethylene film gruboćci 0.15 mm. On the surface of a very large stretch marks logs (> 10 cm) Install the plate Aquadrain, and only for them to make installation Voltexu. Aquadrain should be fixed to the formwork by means of nails with heads wide. The recesses along the edges of the shelves double T girders and housing Log should be mitigated, filling them with a spatula Bentoseal.


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