Producers: 76 Designers: 66 720 Number of CAD drawings: 166 009

Conductor plate


Conductor plate

Conductor plate

Transitions installation by płytyW Voltexie should cut out the shape passing Re-WoDu, and after laying the point of contact throughout the obwodzierury Season it Bentosealem. Bento-seal should extend to cable and Voltex after about 4 cm.W places penetration plate by a group przewodówznajdujących close together, cutting the Voltexie tell-each of which can be impractical. Korzystniejjest the recess adapted to the external torque-group feature and the space between the wires pokryćwarstwą Volclay bentonite granules gruboćci of at least 1 cm. Całoćć finish should be thick warstwąszpachli Bentoseal.


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