Producers: 76 Designers: 66 720 Number of CAD drawings: 166 009

Detail of plant performance


Detail of plant performance

Detail of plant performance

Detail of plant performance

External ćciany foundation
On the outer ćcianach foundation Voltex arranged the dark side of the insulated ćciany (white to
lay). It can be installed on ćwieży concrete, bezpoćrednio after rozdeskowaniu ćcian.

substrate preparation
he surface ćcian should be properly wytrzy-small and flat, free from sharp wklęćnięć and wypukłoćci that, after docićnięciu Voltexu wypełniającymwykop ground, could cause it to cut. Acute O-projections, more than 1 cm should be cuffed flush with the top-ćciany. Holes left by shuttering ćciągach repair compound should be used Bentosealem.Jećli ćciągi converge and they are deleted, the resulting holes should be filled shrinkage I invite hose-cement and cover Bentosealem.üawy should be swept clean to Hydro-bar and Voltex had bezpoćredni contact with insulated surface.
Run be placed on the ćciany combination with a bench tub Hydrobar which engages by contacting the END-
The first strip Voltexu installed horizontally on one of the outside corners ćciany, wherein the coun-
rim of the corner falls on 1/3 długoćci band. At the bottom, along the edge of the corner, you need to cut Voltex to długoćci approx. 30 cm, so that it can be put on the bench. Place the cut should be complemented by a patch cut from a separate piece of Voltexu. patch and connecting
Voltexu must be fitted with generously Bentosealem.Kolejne band Voltexu along the benches arranged horizontally, with a bet of min. 10 cm and imposing on the bench at least 30 cm.
Ćcian internal corners should be mitigated layer Bentosealu about gruboćci approx. 2 cm. Vertical
Voltexu plants in successive rows should be mutually offset in at least 30 cm.
In the presence of cićnienia hydrostatic Voltex laid on ćcianie should be connected to the plant (which
at least 30 cm) with horizontal insulation foundations.

As laying Voltexu should fill the trench foundation, the same will produce residue
Mounting bridge for subsequent, higher bands. Trench filling material must be compacted to at least
85% of modified Proctor.


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