Producers: 76 Designers: 66 714 Number of CAD drawings: 166 009

The façade board Cedral


2 Inner corner building

3 End side of the corner profile end

26 facade mixed - a combination of horizontal

25 facade mixed - a combination of vertical

23 slot expansion

4 Attica building

5 plinth building

9 Window lintel

The vertical gap 24

8 Finish - windowsill 2

7 Finish - windowsill

6 plinth building 2

22 Renovation walls peak - vertical cross-section 2

21 Renovation gable wall - vertical section

14 window frame completed Cedral

15 A cross-section of the window

13 window frame 3

12 window frame 2

11 window frame

16 hole round window - front view

17 hole round window - vertical section

20 Finishing the gable wall - vertical section

1 The outer corner of the building

19 Finishing the gable wall - vertical section

18 Finishing cornice - hidden channel

10 Window lintel 2


ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
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